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Welcome to RPlist
the retinal degeneration discussion list.

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This is the official web site of RPlist, the Retinal Degeneration Mailing List. It gives information about this mailing list only. For information about retinal degenerations, refer to the links page.

Table of contents (7 links).

What is RPlist?

RPlist is an electronic mailing list, i.e. a group of people who use electronic mail (e-mail) on the Internet to exchange ideas and information. Any e-mail message sent to the list's address is automatically forwarded to all members (subscribers). Anyone with a valid Internet e-mail address can join or leave the group at any time. Participation is entirely free of charge.

RPlist is dedicated to discussions related to retinal degenerations. It is open to people personally effected by these conditions, their family and friends, people working in the eye care or low vision fields, and more generally anyone who wants to learn or share experience in relation with retinal conditions.

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What is a Retinal Degeneration?

Retinal Degenerations are genetic diseases (or "conditions") that affect the retina, the light-sensitive membrane at the back of the eye on which images are formed. Retinal degenerations are characterized by a progressive deterioration of the retina which causes a progressive loss of vision. Unlike refractive anomalies such as myopia or astigmatism, retinal degenerations cannot be corrected with lenses, and in most cases they cannot currently be treated.

There are many forms of retinal degenerations which affect various parts of the retina and progress at different rates, causing a wide range of visual situations. The most common forms are Macular Degeneration and Retinitis Pigmentosa (or RP, which gave its name to RPlist); other forms include Usher syndrome, Stargardt disease, choroideremia, retinoschisis, cone-rod dystrophy, diabetic retinopathy, Leber amaurosis, retinoblastoma, and many more. See our links page for more information.

RPlist welcomes discussions of all aspects of low vision, even when it is not caused by a retinal degeneration.

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How can I subscribe to RPlist?

There are two methods to join the RPlist mailing list: on the Web or by e-mail. In both cases you will receive an e-mail message asking you to confirm your subscription. If you experience any difficulty, see more detailed instructions here.

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What can I discuss on RPlist?

RPlist is a fairly large community where everyone is welcome to express their ideas, concerns or information. In order to keep the volume of mail manageable and maintain a high "signal-to-noise ratio", a number of rules have been defined and refined over time. These rules, known as posting guidelines, should be kept in mind at all times while writing messages to RPlist. They are listed below, and each link leads to a more detailed explanation.

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What is listserv and how do I use it?

Listserv® is a Mailing List Management program. Its main function is to receive messages sent to a mailing list (such as RPlist) and dispatch it to all subscribers. It can also execute commands, such as subscription and unsubscription requests, that are sent to it by e-mail.

Most listserv commands can also be issued through this web page rather than by e-mail.

There are many other Mailing List Management programs on the Internet, such as Majordomo, ListProc, SmartList, Lyris etc., which all have different features and understand different commands. Some people use "listserv" as a generic term for all Mailing List Management programs. Others use it instead of "mailing list". Both are incorrect. Listserv is the name of a specific product, and a registered trademark licensed to L-Soft international, Inc.

Here is a non exhaustive list of things you can do with listserv, with links to more detailed explanations on how to proceed. A complete listserv manual is available on L-Soft's site.

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Where can I find more information?

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Since January 2006, RPlist is a member of ICORS, a non-profit organization run by volunteers. The server hardware and software were donated by L-Soft, makers of LISTSERV.

From 1994 to 2006, RPlist was hosted by St. John's University (SJU), a private university in the USA.

We are very grateful to Chris Dixon for offering web space at dixonvision.com for this site.

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Member of the (low vision logo) Low Vision Web Ring.
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Ringmaster: Dan Roberts.

Posting guidelines.
Listserv commands.
The RPlist logo.
Links to other sites.
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Comments and questions: rplist-request@listserv.icors.org